Friday, May 8, 2015

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

What does that mean to you?

Is it something within reach or is it something that seems impossible to have?

Are you currently working towards it right now? Everyday, you're waking up, living it and every move you make is thought out with your dream job in mind? Is it a dream job?

In order to make it in this world you have to work, right?

Unless you're a trust fund kid or somehow your looks alone keep getting you from point A to point B.

What if you don't quite know what your dream job is yet? You thought you did but then life happens and obstacles stand in your way. Which way do you turn? Do you keep fighting off everyday demons in order to keep going down that same path?
Or do you decide to stop and turn down a different direction and see if that road is easier or makes more sense to take?

Sometimes you think you have it all figured out until one day you realize it just doesn't make sense anymore. You've been doing the same thing for so long that you thought it was who you were. And then one day you realize it's just all you've ever known.

In the past, I felt like I needed to know coming out of high school (aka dropping out of high school and getting my GED), what I wanted to do and go for it. A lot of young people do. At first I tried to get into culinary school on my own and realized I couldn't afford it. I didn't really have the guidance and knowledge of loans or grants at the time. I moved out of my parents house at 17 and thought I knew it all. 
My dad was a contractor and my mom was a realtor so I paid for real estate schooling. I got all the way through my state exam and then I pulled out. The dues and costs of an office scared me and I knew it wasn't what I really wanted to do.

Then I finally got my dad to go with me to culinary school and we took out loans that were too big and I received a few grants and graduated culinary school. 
I am glad I went to culinary school because I learned a lot and had a lot of fun but the amount of debt I have from those loans will be with me for the rest of my life.

I worked my way up through some successful restaurants throughout Atlanta. 
Living in Atlanta and Decatur, that worked for me. My fiance worked as a bartender and we worked and lived the industry life. At that time in our lives, it made sense.

Atlanta and Decatur's food scene is worth checking out if you ever get the chance.
Hands down amazing.

Moving to California was a decision we made together. The main reason we moved is because we simply love California. It's breathtaking here. Other than the very unfortunate drought that we're in, it is perfect weather everyday. 

The life lessons we're learning are very valuable to us. However, you can go out and find opportunities everywhere! It all depends on what exactly you're looking for.

Now that we know we can survive out here, we know we can survive anywhere!
We've learned to budget our money because we absolutely have to but also because we should.
We use 
It's great. 

We know how much we need to be bringing in to pay all of our bills and still be putting away a good amount into savings. The savings is for our wedding, our honeymoon, future babies, etc.

When we first moved out here, I didn't think we were going to make it. A lot of that is because I can easily lose confidence in myself at the drop of a hat. It's like a sickness. You get super hyped up and proud of yourself. You go out and get something you've really wanted, like a new job or gig. And the moment you get it and all the excitement starts to simmer down, the evil insecurities start to creep in.
Did you just oversell yourself? Do you think you can do all the things you said you can? Are you sure you can pull this off? 
That kind of doubt can eat you alive. It's done it to me so many times.

I just went out and got something I have always wanted. It is basically my dream job.. 
It's too early to talk about right now but I got it. It's mine. The second I got it and the excitement started to go down, I immediately started doubting everything I said I could do. But I know I can do everything I said I can. I do it all the time. It's my life. 

Being confident and open to the world keeps me going. I have to keep going.

Someone asked me the other day where I see myself in ten years.
How can one possibly answer that? One, it's impossible. And two, I don't want to put ONE idea in my head of what I am going to be doing in ten years. 

All I know is that if I keep going, keep pushing and striving to be the best to myself and my loved ones and never lose that confidence that is going to give me every opportunity in the world, in ten years I will be exactly where I want to be.

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